Types Of Delaware Lawyers

The legal profession has many fields to choose from. It is therefore important to know the various types of lawyers that are there in the event that you might need one someday. Below you will find out the different kinds of Wilmington Delaware Lawyers. This information is not only useful to those looking for a lawyer, but also to those who are planning to become lawyers and those companies that are looking to hire attorneys for their legal department.

Public Interest Lawyer
This lawyer basically assists the society. He does so by representing individuals who cannot afford a private lawyer; he helps them via legal aid organizations. These lawyers may also be tasked with drafting legislation for the purposes of improving the legal process. Of all the types of attorneys, a public interest lawyer normally has the lowest salary. This is because they work for governmental agencies or nonprofit organizations.

Immigration Lawyer
It can be very difficult to navigate the immigration process on your own. Some people find themselves in a situation whereby if they don’t hire an immigration lawyer, they might be deported. So, the role that these lawyers play is very important for immigrants. They can assist you with the process of getting a visa or a green card. If you find yourself facing deportation action, they can also assist you. There are immigration lawyers whose focus is on particular types of immigrants. For instance, the lawyer’s specialty might be to assist athletes to enter and stay in their country.

Estate Planning Lawyer
These lawyers assist people with plans regarding their estates and assets in the event that they become incapacitated or they die. They are tasked with drafting legal documents including trusts, powers of attorney, deeds, and wills. Estate planning also has to do with tax implications. That is why some lawyers end up getting an LLM which is a post-law legal degree that focuses on tax.

Personal Injury Lawyer
Personal injury lawyers represent clients in personal injury matters. Personal injury is not only physical harm, it also includes mental injury that usually comes about when a person is injured. The lawyers will help the injured person to claim for damages by suing the people or entities involved. They also represent the people and entities sued when an incident leading to personal injury happens. The legal actions they focus on include product liability, defamation, civil battery and medical malpractice.

Civil Rights Lawyer
This is the type of lawyer you go to if you need your civil rights to be protected or in order to recover damages in the event that your civil rights have been infringed. In a country like the United States of America, these civil rights are the fundamental rights of every citizen and they originate from federal and state constitutions. There are various kinds of civil rights lawyers. This usually depends on what civil rights the lawyer protects. For instance, while some attorneys assist clients that have been exposed to wrongdoing, such as extreme force by law enforcement, others assist people who have been discriminated against at work.

Criminal Lawyer
There are two kinds of criminal lawyers; defense lawyers and prosecutors. Basically, prosecutors represent the state and bring charges against people. Defense lawyers, on the other hand, represent the accused. These lawyers are almost always in court. They also interact with other lawyers and judges on a regular basis. Public defenders and prosecutors do not get paid high salaries. But, private criminal defense lawyers, on the other hand, are paid big salaries because they are normally paid on an hourly basis by clients.

Real Estate Attorney
These lawyers do a variety of things including representing people when a real estate deal falls through, closing real estate deals, representing clients when lawsuits are filed and assisting clients to get the requisite permits.

There are various types of Wilmington Delaware Lawyers. You just have to find one that will be able to assist you with your specific issue as they specialize in different fields. For instance, if you are being accused of committing a crime, then the lawyer you require is a criminal lawyer. If you feel that your civil rights have been infringed in some way, then you require a civil rights lawyer.